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What are the BIG FOUR? The big four areas that are helped by using CBD are Pain, Insomnia, Inflammation, and Anxiety.


These four conditions and ailments are what most people use CBD for. I have written extensively in this blog on all four. So, you ask, why write about them again? Well, dear reader, because there are some who have not read the previous posts and find themselves suffering from one or more of these conditions or ailments.


Controlling muscle and joint pain is one of the more popular uses of CBD. We see many in Eden Organics that have this complaint. There has been a great deal of research on CBD managing pain. In addition, the anecdotal evidence is overwhelming indicating the efficacy of CBD in managing pain.


Many people have trouble sleeping. In fact, more than one would expect. One in four Americans will experience insomnia. CBD is a natural way to help induce sleep and to ensure there will be no ‘hangover’ the next morning. Many people are turning to CBD to help them get a good night’s sleep.


Inflammation goes along with pain management. Diseases like rheumatoid arthritis have a great deal of inflammation associated with them and CBD helps to reduce this inflammation as well as helps to manage the pain that goes along with it.


Many people suffer from anxiety. 18% of the population suffers from anxiety. This number represents those who have been diagnosed with several different anxiety disorders. It does not represent those who suffer this debilitating disorder without being diagnosed. Even those who may not have anxiety in a clinical sense, still will suffer from it. CBD is a natural way to ameliorate the ways in which anxiety can affect a person’s life.


Chances are that you, or someone you know, suffers from one of the big four ailments or conditions. CBD is a natural help without serious side effects that can be used to help reduce the impact these conditions have on our lives.  


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We find ourselves in perilous times and that can increase our anxiety to debilitating levels. How do we cope? Those who suffer from anxiety already know a few coping techniques, yet, at times like these, those techniques may not be enough.

As the Coronavirus spreads and the Media run non-stop stories about the death rate of the virus, the level of anxiety can increase. CBD can help.


I posted a blog entry a few months back about a recent study on anxiety. Here is a portion of that post:

In a recent double-blind study, 60 men and women, ages 18 to 35 were divided into five groups that either received CBD, a placebo, or Clonazepam (a medicine used to treat panic disorders)

After each participant gave a speech, they filled out a questionnaire on anxiety level and had their blood pressure and heart rate measured.

Clonazepam was effective, as it consistently reduced anxiety in a more sedative way. However, CBD was also effective and didn’t have the potential for the side effects of Clonazepam which are: muscle weakness, drowsiness, indigestion, loss of muscle coordination, slurred speech.) There are others, but I think you get the picture. CBD has none of these side effects. The placebo group wasn’t as successful as the Clonazepam and CBD.


In another study the researchers found that CBD was effective in helping relieve a variety of anxiety related disorders. Here are their findings (as a warning, these are somewhat clinical.)

“Overall, preclinical evidence supports systemic CBD as an acute treatment of GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), SAD(Social Anxiety Disorder), PD(Panic Disorder), OCD(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), and PTSD(Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), and suggests that CBD has the advantage of not producing anxiogenic effects at higher dose, as distinct from other agents that enhance CB1R activation. In particular, results show potential for the treatment of multiple PTSD symptom domains, including reducing arousal and avoidance, preventing the long-term adverse effects of stress, as well as enhancing the extinction and blocking the reconsolidation of persistent fear memories…

 …Overall, existing preclinical evidence strongly supports the potential of CBD as a treatment for anxiety disorders. CBD exhibits a broad range of actions, relevant to multiple symptom domains, including anxiolytic, panicolytic, and anticompulsive actions, as well as a decrease in autonomic arousal, a decrease in conditioned fear expression, enhancement of fear extinction, reconsolidation blockade, and prevention of the long-term anxiogenic effects of stress.”


We see from these two studies that CBD can be an effective way to manage stress and anxiety. Certainly, in these perilous times, we need something natural to help us get through the stress and anxiety. We are Eden Organics hope that all of you stay safe and healthy and, of course, anxiety free.


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When we encounter national challenges such as the Covid-19 virus, there are attempts by many to try to capitalize on the situation. The story of two men buying up all the hand sanitizer and trying to make huge, obscene profits from selling it online, is an example of this type of profiteering.

Another example is people making unsubstantiated claims about their products and that product’s relation to the particular challenge. We will see that in the CBD industry, if we haven’t already.


Rebekka Shaman, chair of the British Hemp Alliance, suggested that CBD’s anti-viral and antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory properties could protect us from the Covid-19 virus. This was from an article on the web page, Food Since there is some evidence supporting the fact that CBD does have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, this statement may be taken out of context based on the research available.


Research indicates that CBD does have strong antibacterial properties and is an effective anti-inflammatory. But, we don’t have a great deal of evidence or research on its effectiveness on viruses. We don’t want to be mislead on this point.


In a blog entry posted on 12/20/19 about the antibacterial properties of CBD we find this information:

An article published on Neuroscience News. Com reported that CBD is a powerful new antibiotic. I will use much of that article here. The research, led by Dr. Mark Blaskovich at the University of Queensland’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience’s Center for Superbug Solutions, in collaboration with Botanix Pharmaceuticals Ltd, found that CBD was remarkably effective at killing a wide range of Gram-positive bacteria, including bacteria that have become resistant to other antibiotics. The new research indicates that CBD is active against infections such as Staphyloccocus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae and that it has a potency similar to that of established antibiotics such as vancomycin or daptomycin.

We can see from this information that CBD does indeed have a huge potential as a new antibiotic.


CBD can reduce inflammation. We know this from a great deal of research. However, in some viruses, we need inflammation to help ward off the disease. In other viruses, the inflammation is detrimental. So, until we have more information, we are left with more questions than answers. In my estimation, we have to be careful about listening to claims made about CBD and its ability to fight a particular virus. We should stick to the aspects that have significant research and known results such as, reduction of anxiety, reduction of muscle and joint pain, and helping us to sleep. As CBD has general health benefits, taking it will certainly be better for us than not taking it. CBD helps us with our daily health and thus can helps us in staying healthy.


We often are asked about CBD and its use for Arthritis pain. We have many instances of people telling us that CBD helped them with their pain and that because of the lack of pain, they experienced better mobility.


A study in 2017, published in the journal, Pain, indicated that CBD was effective in reducing the pain of osteoarthritis and joint neuropathy.

The researchers’ findings indicated CBD decreased joint inflammation and served as a protectant to the nerves.

Doctor Jennifer Freeman wrote that other studies have reported positive effects for individuals taking CBD to ease their fbromyalgia pain.  


Dr. Freeman also stated that other research published in Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management, indicates that cannabinoids have been helpful with easing pain for individuals diagnosed with conditions such as multiple sclerosis and cancer.


CBD is a natural way for a person suffering from pain to help reduce the pain, without having negative side effects. Because CBD works with the cannabinoids within our body, it is a natural way to help us take care of many conditions and ailments.


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Health and happiness have to be the two most important elements of a person’s life. There are, of course, many definitions of happiness, or what makes a person happy. The thrust of this article is not to address the many ways in which we can attain happiness or what happiness means. It is, rather, to address the connection of health to happiness.


Jim Rohn stated, “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” This statement is beyond obvious, yet it states something we often take for granted. We can add to that statement one from an anonymous author, “If I had known I would live this long, I would have taken better care of my body.”


 A new study published in the Journal Of Happiness Studies found that the degree a disease or condition disrupts daily functioning is associated with happiness.

The lead author, Erik Angner, associate professor of philosophy, economics and public policy at George Mason University worked along side a team of researchers from several universities exploring the differences between the impact of serious health issues and, seemingly, minor ones.

 Since previous studies had indicated that even serious diseases, including cancer, had a surprisingly small impact on happiness, and certain conditions like urinary incontinence had a major impact on happiness, they developed a system called the “freedom-from-debility score” based on four health survey questions explicitly designed to represent limitations in physical activities and in usual role activities because of health problems.


The results from the study indicate that a disease or condition that limits functionality has a more direct impact on happiness than a more serious illness that doesn’t have a negative impact on daily functionality. “These new results support the notion that health status is one of the most important predictors of happiness,” Angner said.


CBD can help those who suffer from illnesses or ailments that can limit daily functionality. Joint and muscle aches and pains, insomnia, and anxiety are just a few that can be helped with CBD. These conditions can make daily life difficult and can limit functionality which in turn could affect a person’s happiness. If one doesn’t sleep well, they are tired and feel out of sorts throughout the day. They don’t function at their best either physically or mentally. Aches and pains can certainly limit our functionality and make it extremely difficult to go about our normal daily activities. And anxiety can create a vast array of problems. All of these can he helped with CBD.


Taking CBD to alleviate some of the conditions and ailments we have mentioned above as well as many others, can help us lead healthy and happy lives.   


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How CBD is taking over the Medical field. Well, it may not really be taking over the Medical field, but it is having an impact in several areas. This is taken from an article from the Chicago Tribune.

Many studies indicate that CBD could be used as a general preventative medicine by protecting the body against the damage of stress and aging. An added bonus with CBD is that it is not addictive and has little or no side-effects. This sets it apart from many traditional prescription medications.


Reduced risk of Diabetes and Obesity. Several different studies into how regular cannabis users have a lower risk of being obese and having diabetes. A report published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2011 concluded, based on a survey of more than fifty-two thousand participants, concluded that rates of obesity are about one-third lower among cannabis users.

Better Cholesterol Profiles and A Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Disease. 4,500 people were studied in a 2013 study that measured data on the effect of cannabis on metabolic systems. The study compared current and former users to non-users. The study found that current users had higher levels of good cholesterol and slightly lower levels of bad cholesterol.

Reduced Risk of Cancer. Animals treated with CBD were significantly less likely to develop colon cancer in a 2012 study. As we have mentioned before in this blog, CBD has been shown to be a useful treatment for the side-effects associated with chemotherapy and other cancer treatments such as pain relief, headaches, and nausea. In addition, a study in Israel has shown that CBD can be used to target chemotherapy directly to the cancer cells, leaving most of the rest of the body alone, thus decreasing the negative side-effects of the chemotherapy.


As we always say here, there is much more research to do and studies to be made. Yet, there is much to be positive about and as we see more and more research showing the many positive benefits of CBD, we will see the main stream medical community begin to embrace CBD and offer it to their patients.


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An article from Consumer Reports stated that almost 80% of Americans say they have trouble sleeping at least once a week, according to a recent nationally representative Consumer Report survey of 1267 U.S. adults. They also found that many existing treatments, particularly prescription and over-the-counter drugs, are often not very effective and are risky as well.

Joseph Maroon, M.D., a clinical professor and neurosurgeon at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center who has researched the effect of cannabis on the brain, says that CBD has properties that could help some people sleep better, especially those who suffer from anxiety.

Research hints that CBD may also affect sleep directly, by interacting with receptors in the brain that govern the body’s daily sleep/wake cycles.


In a 2019 study conducted by Scott Shannon, MD, Nicole Lewis, ND, and Shannon Hughes, PhD of 72 adults found that 66.7% of those studied had improved sleep after using CBD. In addition, anxiety rates decreased in 79% of those studied. Since anxiety can cause one to lose sleep, the reduction of anxiety is important.


CBD is commonly used to address anxiety, and for patients who suffer through the misery of insomnia, studies suggest that CBD may help with both falling asleep and staying asleep”


As we always state, we need more research to give a definitive answer about CBD and insomnia. Yet, the research we do have seems to indicate that the use of CBD can help people fall asleep and stay asleep. Anecdotal evidence is extremely promising as many people using CBD have reported better sleep. There is enough evidence to encourage the use of CBD for insomnia, especially since it has no severe side effects like those of prescription medication.


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The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) estimates that 17.3 million U.S. adults had at least one major depressive episode in 2017. That is approximately 7.1% of the adult population. Major depressive disorder is more prevalent in women.

One could assume that these numbers represent those who have sought help with their depression. There are probably many more who suffer through depression alone and without help.


There is some promising news from science on the efficacy of CBD for depression. Unfortunately, most of the research has been done on animals and not on humans.

The studies have used chemical markers for indication of efficacy, which could easily translate to humans.  This is good news and we should view it with optimism. We have seen anecdotal evidence in humans indicating the use of CBD for depression and with little or no side effects from using CBD, we can, without reservation recommend trying CBD.


A study in 2018 indicates how fast the CBD acted in suppressing the chemicals associated with depression. In fact, the CBD acted much faster than the conventional treatment.

We can see from the study that there is a great deal of optimism for the use of CBD in the treatment of depression.

However, as we have stated multiple times before in this blog, there is a need for further studies, especially in humans to allow us to say definitively that CBD is the answer to helping people with depression. The results of many studies are promising and if I had to venture a guess, I would say we will see that CBD will become the major treatment for depression in the years to come.


Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

Recently we were asked if CBD would be helpful for those with Multiple Sclerosis, (MS).

I found a study written by Thorsten Rudroff and Jacob Sosnoff. I will include the link to the study at the end of this post. They describe MS as, “ Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS) that affects an estimated 2.3 million people worldwide. The symptoms of MS are highly varied but frequently include pain, muscle spasticity, fatigue, inflammation, and depression. These symptoms often lead to reduced physical activity, negatively impact functional mobility, and have a detrimental impact on patients’ quality of life.”

They also state that, “Although recent years have seen significant advances in disease modifying therapy, none of the current treatments halts or cures MS related symptoms. As a consequence, many people with MS (PwMS) look for alternative and complementary therapies such as cannabis.”


As we know, CBD can reduce inflammation and help with pain management. The study suggested that the use of CBD will reduce fatigue, pain, inflammation, depression, and spasticity (a condition in which certain muscles are continuously contracted. This contraction causes stiffness or tightness of the muscles and can interfere with normal movement, speech and gait. Spasticity is usually caused by damage to the portion of the brain or spinal cord that controls voluntary movement.) By reducing these symptoms for people with MS, CBD may help with their mobility. Of course, more research is needed.


In a web-based survey, which was hosted by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, found that 66% of PwMS (people with MS) currently use cannabis for symptom treatment. Furthermore, a study from Canada found that approximately 50% of PwMS would consider the usage of cannabis if the legal status is clear and scientific evidence is available. CBD is, of course, a cannabis plant and can help with the symptoms of MS.


Opioids have some serious side effects including, physical dependence, dizziness, sedation, nausea, vomiting, tolerance, constipation, and respiratory depression. Physical dependence and addiction are clinical concerns that may prevent accurate prescribing and in turn insufficient pain management.

A recent epidemiological study by Piper et al. showed that among people that frequently used opioids, over three-quarters (77%) indicated that they reduced their use since they started cannabis. Approximately two-thirds of patients decreased their use of antianxiety (72%), migraine (67%), and sleep (65%) drugs following medical cannabis which significantly exceeded the reduction in antidepressants or alcohol use. Complete or part replacement of these drugs by specific cannabis products should definitely be the long-term goal.

The study suggests that people with MS are hesitant to use cannabis because of the social stigma associated with marijuana and the high that comes from THC. They suggest the use of CBD to eliminate these negative aspects of treatment.

CBD can be a safe and reliable way to manage the symptoms of MS.  

2018 study on CBD and MS.


This is another one of the uses of CBD that requires more study and research. The existing research is very promising for a variety of uses for CBD for skin care. In a recent article on the web page, ‘Everyday Health’, by Jessica Migala, she quoted Dr. Robert Dellavalle, MD, PhD, adjunct professor of epidemiology at the Colorado School of Public Health in Aurora, “The body has two CBD receptors(that we know of): CB1 and CB2. When applied to the skin, CBD interacts with these two receptors to turn down the inflammatory response. This happens by decreasing the interleukins, which are chemicals that are like the immune system’s fire alarm that calls the fire department in an emergency. CBD may decrease the loudness of that fire alarm.”

 Mona Gohara, MD, a dermatologist in Hamden, Connecticut, and associate clinical professor of dermatology at Yale University states, “I recommend generally using a medication to put out the fire, and then using CBD to clean up the carnage.” She likes using the CBD in inflammatory skin diseases as they are fizzling out.


Findings from an article published in 2014 in the Journal of clinical Investigation and a study published in September 2016 in Experimental Dermatology would indicate that CBD influences the production of Sebum and has an anti-inflammatory component. Dr. Jeanette Jacknin, MD, and a board-certified dermatologist echoes these same findings. She also points to recent preliminary research presented in June 2019, which found topical CBD may help kill a range of gram-positive bacteria. We have discussed the antibacterial properties of CBD in a previous post. This particular bacterium is one cause of acne.


 CBD contains two fatty acids, Omega 6 and Omega 3, that help stimulate the production of collagen. This prevents excessive water loss and helps keep your skin hydrated, thus making it look better. In addition, CBD is an anti-inflammatory that helps to keep your skin looking better. It can reduce the redness and wrinkling that can come with age. CBD helps keep your skin healthy and, in that way, helps it look its best.


With the existing research and studies, we can get a good idea of the efficacy of CBD and skin health. A healthy skin will look better and will have fewer wrinkles and inconsistencies of color, rendering a better look. There are many skin care products on the market that have CBD as a major ingredient. As always, we recommend you as the buyer to ensure the product has the advertised amount of CBD and that the other ingredients are beneficial for skin health.